Sixtymile - Grand Canyon Photos
  Best Photos with Notes

Photos are a new addition to Grand Canyon Off the Trail and up to now only recent digital photos. Not just pictures, each photo includes information where it was taken and what was happening there. For more about cameras and picture-taking in Grand Canyon see About Cameras.

There is a good explanation why most of the photos are different shapes and the reason is most are composite images from multiple shots combined to capture big spaces in a small frame. The photo of Dox Castle was at least 3 frames wide (3x1) and climbing out of Modred Abyss was 3x2. The Clear Creek narrows shot was a complex mosaic. Clear Creek Snow and Eminence Break were both 2x1s — I find that 2 shots sideways gives an easy-quick wide-angle effect — as long as nothing is moving in the view. Nankoweap Mesa was 6x1 sideways.

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